Matches in Uipath

Hello everyone!
I write this:

It return me only numbers. I have: 123DFGV12312 . Return:12312312
But I need with letters
Also, how I can return (\s|^)\d{3}DFGV\d{5}[\s|,|\|/] and (\s|^)\d{3}DFGV\d{6}[\s|,|\|/] (different count numbers after letter) in one list?

whats the expected output from above string?

this will help you!

I have in doc: awrgw wrg wrg wg w 123DFGV45678, 4rgreg ergwrg wrg 123DFGV456789, we wg wrgw wg

I need in output: 123DFGV45678, 123DFGV456789

yes this will help you \d{3}DFGV\d{5}

I wrote it. Not work

Matches: parsing “(\s|^)\d{3}+[JDLW]+\d{5}[\s|,|\|/]” - Nested quantifier +.

it’s working fine for me you can check tested results!

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