Match date from a text


Please help me to identify in unic mode de date from the text below:


1 Assurance auto ----- 1.0000 1,680.00 1,680.00 0.00
Policy no. 11380707636 rate no. 1: 1680.00 RON; Series auto:
W0J2971331A008113; Period: 23/02/2023 -
Series auto: W0J2971331A008113
Due date: 08.02.2023 Total without VAT 1,680.00

Thank you,

Hi @LZlz

Do you need date highlighted in bold ?

Yes, I want a regex formula to extract 23/02/2023-22/08/2023

Hi @LZlz ,

Could you Check with the regex Expression below :

(?<=Period:)(.*\n)*(?=Series auto:)


Expression :

Regex.Replace(Regex.Match(yourStrVar,"(?<=Period:)(.*\n)*(?=Series auto:)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value.Trim,"\r?\n?","")

The above should also remove the newline present in the data.

Visuals :

Let us know if the above does not work.

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Thank you!

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