Looking for REGEX help to extract 1 date from 2 dates appearing next to each other in the text. Form the text below :-
(if any): Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Term Start Date: Initial Term End Date: March 1,2021 February 29,2024 other#: Affiliated #s: 99991
Note: This offer, as generated on January 27, 2021 is valid for 60 days.
I have given the following regex :-
(?<=Term End Date:)([\S\s\t]?)([a-zA-Z]+[\s][\d]{1,2},[\s]?[\d]{4})
(?:[\s] (?=\s))
However, it extracts both the dates as show in the image below
Thanks, this works when there is no space after,
Term Start Date: Initial Term End Date: March 1,2021 February 29,2024
However, in my original doc most of the time there is a space after ,
Term Start Date: Initial Term End Date: March 1, 2021 February 29, 2024
In that case (?<=Term End Date:\s+)\w+\s+[\d, ]+ works in the regex tester you use, but when I enter it in the regex editor in UIPATH it doesn’t work and extracts only until March 1, 2