Dear Team,
Please help me with the task.
Find the attached document. I need the output as mentioned in expected output sheet
Team Training - Assignment 2.xlsx (11.3 KB)
Dear Team,
Please help me with the task.
Find the attached document. I need the output as mentioned in expected output sheet
Team Training - Assignment 2.xlsx (11.3 KB)
Read the input sheet & add 3 columns to the data table using the activity ‘Add Data Column’. hen, please use the following query in the ‘Invoke Code’ activity:
row("Total Marks") = (Cint(row("Subject1 ")) + Cint(row("Subject1 ")) + Cint(row("Subject1 "))).ToString
row("Percentage") = (Cint("Total Marks") * 100)/300
row("Status") = (If(Cint(row("Percentage")).ToString))>=70,"Pass","Fail")
End Sub)
Hope this helps,
Best Regards.
Thank you for your immediate response.
But I’m getting an error at the assign activity for Total marks
@ramshiva_reddy ,
Please Provide correct column Names Sometimes if there is any spaces in the column Names it will throw errors like this.
Thank you bro… Now the error has been sorted and looks good
Got it.
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