Manipulating Data Tables - Help!

Hello - I have to data tables (as pictured below). I am trying to merge these two data tables together but also merge certain columns while leaving other columns separate. For example “Internal Ref” from DT1 and “REF” from DT2 should fall under the one column as well as “ClientNameBank” & “Client Name” and “ClientCodeBank” & “Client Code” while “ID”, “Completed Date” & “Year End Date” should have their own columns.

I am trying to get the data to look like in the last image. Does anyone know how exactly I can do this, I have tried merging and joining activities but I can’t seem to get them to work

Use Read Range on each of the Excel sheets; then use a Merge Datatable activity to merge the results. Then you can write the results to a new workbook, and it will appear as shown in your last image.