mandatoryColumnFields.Any(Function(field) documentFields(field) is Nothing)

mandatoryColumnFields.Any(Function(field) documentFields(field) is Nothing) , says that this logic is wrong. I have only mandatory column fields in data extraction rules check

Hi @praveen.j

Can you eloborate the question


Hi @praveen.j

The expression seems correct. What error did you get.

To ensure that all mandatory column fields in the data extraction rules are not Nothing , you can modify the code as follows:

Not mandatoryColumnFields.Any(Function(field) documentFields(field) is Nothing)

Thank you

My need is to send documents to action center which doesnt meet the confidence score, I have only column fields, I dont know how to send to action center



This will help to send documents to action center which doesnt meet the confidence score

Hey , Thanks man… will check this out

Im still getting the same error :frowning: