I need to ensure that the download completes before an action is taken on the file. I tried implementing On Element Appear activity to achieve this objective (Please check the attached image). Now the problem is that the UiPath robot is not able to detect the download bar at the bottom of chrome browser. I made sure that under google chrome settings, it asks each time before download and that the bar shows up every time a file is downloaded. But in case of UiPath execution, upon download, the bar appears momentarily and disappears.
This activity has a major flaw. You can’t specify any filters. It just watches the folder for any new file - and when the browser downloads a file it often first creates a temporary download file that the Wait for Download activity will erroneously think means the download is complete. It’s much better to write your own Do While that waits for the exact file you want.
Agreed but even this does not work in Chrome. If I check for a file with the specified name and >0 file size Chrome MAY STILL not have verified the exact file exists and has been downloaded.
Wait for Download is incompatible with Chrome. And writing just a simple file exists with data check is insufficient as well… Any way to sync this with Chrome web browser???