How to loop through each index of string if i have changed string to array
How about the following?
arrChar = stringVar.ToCharArray
Then use ForEach for arrChar
Hi @satyam_verma
TestString is a variable type of string
CharArray is a variable type of Array of string
Hope it helps!!
i want to remove all vowel of even place from “I am learning Ui path” and leave as it is if there is space
Please help me
Can you share expected output for the above?
I am learning Ui Path
m larnng i pth >>>>that’s output
with Regards,
currently, there is a difference to your output, but we guess this is about expectations and description
EDIT: Sample is only half implemented
could you please explain it With activity
if you please don’t mind
Create an array of capital and small case Vowels → Use a for each activity → for each item in Input_String → use if else activity inside for each activity-> if item in array then Input_String.replace(item, “”) else continue
Please reply on this if you need excess details regarding the same.
Can you try the following?
yourString = "I am learning Ui Path"
arrVowel = {"a","i","u","e","o"}
String.Join("",yourString.Where(Function(c,i) i mod 2 =1 OrELse not arrVowel.Contains(c.ToString.ToLower)))
could you please explain after for each activity in details
we had a different output as the sample string had a space between ui and path
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
I | a | m | l | e | a | r | n | i | n | g | U | i | P | a | t | h |
strText = “I am learning Ui path”
Assign Activity
arrVouwels | String Array = new String(){"A","E","I","O","U"}
Assign Acitvity
newString = String.Join("",strText.Select(Function (x,i) If(i mod 2 = 0 AndAlso arrVowels.contains(x.toString.ToUpper), "", x.toString)))
Hello sir
I am getting blank output after this
what was done in detail?
we cannot see the used detail statement But in general the modelling looks fine.
Just do the prototyping also in within the immediate panel and use the debugging panels for the analysis:
Understanding the 6 Debugging Panels of UiPath in the easiest way possible! - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum
Thankyou so much for all your help sir
really thankyou
people like you make this platform alive.
Thanks for being sir
really appreciate you help