Array of Character

Hi All,

I have a String value (1112131415) that I converted into a char array.

I want the first character like 11 into a cell, the second character 12 and so on until the end.

I can’t think of a way to break it.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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If the string is sited in variable
strinput = “1112131415”

Then we can use WHILE LOOP with this condition
Counter < strinput.ToString.Length
Where counter is a variable of type int32 with default value as 0 defined in the variable panel

—inside the loop use a ADD TO COLLECTIONS activity Where in the collections property mention as list_value of type System.Collections.Generic.list(of string) with default value as New List(of String)

And in item property mention as

Next to this add to collections activity use a assign activity like
counter = counter + 2

Cheers @ashish_manoja


Thanks for the reply. @Palaniyappan

but I have an error in Item property that’s " Value of String can’t be converted to System.Collections.Generic.list(of string) " ??

Fine change the TYPE ARGUMENT in Add to Collections activity as String

Cheers @ashish_manoja

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when I run the process then my output comes 11 11 11 11 11 but I want output like (11 12 13 14 15)

Thanks in advance. @Palaniyappan

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Here you go with the xaml for this
it worked for me (9.6 KB)

Cheers @ashish_manoja


Thanks a lot :slightly_smiling_face: @Palaniyappan

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Cheers @ashish_manoja

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