Hi, how to create a loop in the SAP application? The robot is to enter employee A, perform tasks, refresh the page. After refreshing the page of employee A, it disappears and the robot should enter the next employee in the table.
Thank You
Hi @sullivanne
If you are entering the employee data from the excel. You can use the for each row in datatable activity to iterate the each row in the datatable. Inside for each insert all activities of entering and perform all tasks.
If you are using any list or collection datatype to store the employee names then use for each activity.
Hope it helps!!
Thank you for your answer. The table is in the application, not Excel. I don’t know how to use For each, I don’t know what to enter in “in”. How can I make it cycle through each employee and perform tasks on them until the list is empty?
Try to scrap the data from sap or check if we can export the data from table and save it in format of excel and then try to loop the data
Okay @sullivanne
Then extract the table in the website as datatable by using Extract Datatable activity and store in a datatable.
Use for each row in datatable activity to iterate the each row in extracted datatable.
Inside for each insert the activities that you want to enter and perform other tasks.
Hope you understand!!
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