Login into RDP

Hi all I want to know some important points as we are thinking of implementing Uipath at one of our client and they had thrown some questions.

how does Robot work when:

  • When RDP session has been locked by the user
  • When RDP session has been closed by the user

In both of the above scenarios, what happens if:

  • bot is already executing in the RDP and
  • bot is scheduled to be run on the RDP

Hope i can get a quick reply.



Hi @Shankar1,

Here what is RDP?


Are you using Attended BOT or Unattended BOT ?

If you are using attended bot then execution will be stopped if it is closed or locked.

  • When RDP session has been locked by the user : BOT will be logging in as a new user and complete the task, but remember you have done all the configuration prior to the execution.
  • When RDP session has been closed by the user: BOT will login and perform execution

In both of the above scenarios, what happens if:

  • bot is already executing in the RDP : You can manually log in as a BOT and see the execution
  • bot is scheduled to be run on the RDP : If anyone else has open RDP then BOT will go on Pending and if you have logged in as the same BOT user account you will be kicked out.
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