Logic at system.DateTime

Hello Wonderfull people,
Just a question:

I use a variable Day_After_Tomorrow (type DateTime). Then, i want to give them a value (system.DateTime.Now…). However. i noticed that if i select Date, the phrase is correct. But, if i select Day… there is a problem. Despite both of them are properties (Date and Day) , it works just with Date.



I would really appreciated if anyone of you could help me to understand that . I am confused about how to build expressions . i dont understand the logic or steps…
Thanks in advance…


for exploration use one of the debug panels e.g immediate panel and play with the statements
Understanding the 6 Debugging Panels of UiPath in the easiest way possible! - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

So you can check, that now.Day returns todays day as an int32

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Thanks for helping @ppr
Short question:
i am testing a variable Tomorrow_Day, Type DateTime
And when using Log Message Activity To print “Tomorrow_Day.Date.Month”, the month is 7 . What should i do to get July?



Thanks @ppr :handshake:

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