Hello everyone,
I am facing an issue when I try to use this activity. If I use it like this:
it works. But instead of adding the date static I want to add the date of today in the ‘From’ option and the date of tomorrow in the ‘Till’ option.
I have tried many many options now, noone of them works for me.
The last one that I tried is:
and the error that I get is: "Value of type ‘Date’ can not be converted to ‘Long’
Anyone has any idea on how to resolve this pls. As I said before I have tried other suggestions related to the issue in the forum but still can not manage to fix it.
Hello @Xheni_Xhensila,
Looks like your TodayDate and TomorrowDate variables are already declared as DateTime. So it will fail when you invoke the constructor like New DateTime(TodayDate) it will fail as TodayDate is not of a valid type for this constructor. Instead use just the plain variable name
like this:
From = TodayDate
Till = TomorrowDate
As you can see in the screenshot below, DateTime doesn’t have a constructor that accepts a DateTime argument
DateTime Constructor (System) | Microsoft Docs
Thank you Edwin for your answer. Yes I have tried even that.In first view it gives no error but the result that I take is not the one that it should be, looks like it brings days of the calendar that nothing to do with what I am expecting. When I add the dates with New Date and static I get the desired result, but if I do only with TodayDate NO.

I was wondering maybe to put any If condition or smth to make a kind of filter So Maybe it gets fixed or with the Filter Wizzard
Can you share your .xaml file?