Log Level in Orchestrator and UiPath Assistant settings. Difference?

Hi Kytyzow,

I know this topic is quite old and you probably have moved on to other problems, but as this post popped on my search engine results and I was wondering the same before I found the answer, I share my discoveries :slight_smile:

Your question was about the fact we can define a log level either in the assistant on the client machine or in the orchestrator in the robot settings.
There is no difference in terms of behavior if you set a log level in one or another but the setting in the orchestrator takes precedence of the setting in assistant.

For example, if you set “information” log level in assistant and leave the setting unchecked in the orchestrator, you will have informative logs (no trace, no verbose). However, if you check and set it to “trace” in the orchestrator, you can put any value in the assistant it will be ignored and you will have trace logs.

Hope this will help other people who pass by this thread :slight_smile:

More info here :

“Settings from either robot configuration or from UiPath Assistant are overwritten with the selected setting whenever robots connect to Orchestrator or when jobs are triggered from Orchestrator.”