LINQ Query to Merge 2 columns into 1 column with a space

Hi Community

I have spreadsheet which is too large/slow (15-20k rows) to use a For Each. There are multiple columns in the spreadsheet (not all columns listed below) - sample image below.

Problem: I need to merge the column ‘FirstName’ and ‘LastName’ into a new column called ‘Name’.
(MiddleName doesn’t need to be removed as per the image)



Can anyone help with a LINQ query to merge two columns into a new column with a single space between the values.
“John Smith”
“Jane Doe”

Bonus points if you can include a trim on each the row values.

I am open to other options. Thanks.

@Yoichi @ppr




You can acheive this by using expression

Read the data into datatable dt

Use add data column activity and add column ‘Name’

Using assign as below

Dt.Columns("Name").Expression = "[FirstName] + ' ' + [LastName]"


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Updated expression to include trim as well

Dt.Columns("Name").Expression = "TRIM([FirstName]) + ' ' + TRIM([LastName])"


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Hey @Anil_G

Thanks that worked on a quick test datatable.

Will try again soon on my large file. Hopefully its faster than a For Each.

Thanks again for your help.



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HI @Steven_McKeering

Try like this

Create a build datatable and add the columns you wanted in above diagram seems like Name and DOB and create a variable DT_BuildOutput

Checkout this expression

(From d In dt_Main.AsEnumerable()
Let f=d("firstName").ToString.Trim+" "+d("LastNAme").ToString.Trim
Select DT_BuildOutput.Rows.Add(f)).CopyToDataTable

Inside Add you can give all the datarow item


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Hi @Steven_McKeering

Another approach

(From r In dtInput.AsEnumerable
Let name = r("FirstName").ToString.Trim & " " & r("LastName").ToString.Trim
Let dob = r("DOB").tostring
Let ra = New Object(){name,dob}
Select dtResult.rows.add(ra)).copytodatatable



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If interested try going through this

And yes expressions can be easier try and let us know the findings if you see any bottlenecks


Performance is :+1: and easy to understand syntax.

I will take a look at the above post you shared. Looks interesting so far…

Thanks @Anil_G

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