LinQ query to add column data from rows of another table

Hi below is my use case


Emp date
1 1/12/2020
2 2/2/2020
3 3/6/2020


Emp Month Amount
1 December 2000
1 August 800
2 February 900
3 December 700

and expected result is by getting the no. of months from date calumn , I will get December,February & June . These I will add to dt1 table

Emp date December February June

Now I need to add relevant amount in their respective months by checking the emp ID & month
example : if empid=empid & month = December then add amount in December if exists else put NA

Expected result

Emp date December February June
1 1/12/2020 2000 NA NA
2 2/2/2020 NA 900 NA
3 3/6/2020 NA NA NA

I tried with below linq query first to Add one month column data but its throwing error

(From d1 In dt1.AsEnumerable()
Group Join d2 In dt2.AsEnumerable()
On d1(“emp”).ToString().Trim() Equals d2(“emp”).ToString().Trim()
Into joinedRows = Group
From jrow In joinedRows.DefaultIfEmpty()
Let arrSet1 As Object() = {“emp”, “date”}.Select(Function(e1) d1(e1)).ToArray()
Let arrSet2 As Object() = {“Amount”}.Select(Function(ee) If(jrow IsNot Nothing AndAlso jrow(“Month”).ToString() = “December”, 0, “NA”)).Cast(Of Object).ToArray()
Let ra1 = arrSet1
Let raEmpty = arrSet2
Let ra2 = If(IsNothing(jrow), raEmpty, {“Amount”}.Select(Function(e2) If(jrow IsNot Nothing AndAlso jrow(“Month”).ToString() = “December”, jrow(e2), 0)).Cast(Of Object).ToArray())
Let ra = ra1.Concat(ra2).Cast(Of Object).ToArray()
Select r = result.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable


Hi @Ana_Patricia

Use the below code in Invoke Code activity:

result  = New DataTable

result.Columns.Add("Emp", GetType(String))
result.Columns.Add("date", GetType(String)) ' Change the type to String
result.Columns.Add("December", GetType(String))
result.Columns.Add("February", GetType(String))
result.Columns.Add("June", GetType(String))

For Each rowDt1 As DataRow In dt1.Rows
    Dim empId As String = rowDt1("Emp").ToString().Trim()
    Dim decemberAmount As String = "NA"
    Dim februaryAmount As String = "NA"
    Dim juneAmount As String = "NA"

    Dim decemberRow = dt2.AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault(Function(d2) d2("Emp").ToString().Trim() = empId AndAlso d2("Month").ToString() = "December")
    If decemberRow IsNot Nothing Then
        decemberAmount = decemberRow("Amount").ToString()
    End If

    Dim februaryRow = dt2.AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault(Function(d2) d2("Emp").ToString().Trim() = empId AndAlso d2("Month").ToString() = "February")
    If februaryRow IsNot Nothing Then
        februaryAmount = februaryRow("Amount").ToString()
    End If

    Dim juneRow = dt2.AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault(Function(d2) d2("Emp").ToString().Trim() = empId AndAlso d2("Month").ToString() = "June")
    If juneRow IsNot Nothing Then
        juneAmount = juneRow("Amount").ToString()
    End If

    ' Format the date to remove the timestamp
    Dim dateValue As DateTime
    If DateTime.TryParse(rowDt1("date").ToString(), dateValue) Then
        Dim formattedDate As String = dateValue.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
        result.Rows.Add(empId, formattedDate, decemberAmount, februaryAmount, juneAmount)
        ' Handle the case where date parsing fails
        result.Rows.Add(empId, rowDt1("date"), decemberAmount, februaryAmount, juneAmount)
    End If

Below are the Invoked arguments

Check out the below workflow file:
Sequence24.xaml (14.3 KB)

Hope it helps!!

Hello @Ana_Patricia

  1. Assign activity:
    result = (From d1 In dt1.AsEnumerable()
    Group Join d2 In dt2.AsEnumerable()
    On d1(“emp”).ToString().Trim() Equals d2(“emp”).ToString().Trim()
    Into joinedRows = Group
    Let arrSet1 As Object() = {“emp”, “date”}.Select(Function(e1) d1(e1)).ToArray()
    Let arrSet2 As Object() = {“December”, “February”, “June”}.Select(Function(ee) If(joinedRows.Any() AndAlso joinedRows.Any(Function(x) x(“Month”).ToString() = ee), joinedRows.First(Function(x) x(“Month”).ToString() = ee)(“Amount”), “NA”)).ToArray()
    Let ra1 = arrSet1
    Let ra2 = arrSet2
    Let ra = ra1.Concat(ra2).Cast(Of Object).ToArray()
    Select r = result.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable

  2. Log Message activity:
    LogMessage(“DataTable result created successfully.”)

Thanks & Cheers!!!

Thanks for the reply but here the months are dynamic… So Im creating a output table(resultdt) with two columns …
emp & Date - dt1 data will be added
Later I will get all the distinct months & using a for loop I will add columns for each month… so once I add column …
Is there any way through linq to just populate that column by checking emp ID & month in dt2 … similarly for rest months

example : I get unique months june,july & september

For each month in monthsList
Add column - month
add column data for month in resultdt

Thanks for the workflow , would we be able to add months columns dynamically? based on the months available in Dates column

Hi @Ana_Patricia

Give me some time. I will do that for you.


Hi @Ana_Patricia

Use the below code in Invoke Code activity:

 result_dt = New DataTable
result_dt.Columns.Add("Emp", GetType(String))
result_dt.Columns.Add("date", GetType(String))

' Extract distinct months dynamically from dt1 and order them
Dim distinctMonths As List(Of DateTime) = Dt1.AsEnumerable() _
    .Select(Function(row) DateTime.ParseExact(row("date").ToString().Trim(), "d/M/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) _
    .Distinct() _
    .OrderBy(Function(dateValue) dateValue) _

Dim formattedDates As List(Of String) = distinctMonths.Select(Function(dateValue) dateValue.ToString("MMMM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToList()

For Each month As String In formattedDates
    result_dt.Columns.Add(month, GetType(String))

For Each rowDt1 As DataRow In Dt1.Rows
    Dim empId As String = rowDt1("Emp").ToString().Trim()

    Dim rowValues As List(Of Object) = New List(Of Object)

    Dim dateStr As String = rowDt1("date").ToString()
    Dim formattedDate As String
        Dim dateValue As DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dateStr, "d/M/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
        formattedDate = dateValue.ToString("MMMM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
    Catch ex As Exception
        ' Handle the case where date parsing fails
        formattedDate = dateStr
    End Try

    For Each month As String In formattedDates

    For Each rowDt2 As DataRow In Dt2.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(d2) d2("Emp").ToString().Trim() = empId)
        Dim month As String = rowDt2("Month").ToString().Trim()
        Dim amount As String = rowDt2("Amount").ToString()
        Dim index As Integer = formattedDates.IndexOf(month)
        If index <> -1 Then
            rowValues(index + 2) = amount
        End If


Invoked Arguments:




Main.xaml (13.6 KB)

Hope it helps!!

Thank you , Cant we just have a linq to just populate per column values instead of using invoke code?

Hi @Ana_Patricia

Invoke Code will also work as fast as Linq query.



Assign activity:

resultdt = … (initialize or get your result DataTable)
dt2 = … (initialize or get your dt2 DataTable)

monthsList = {‘June’, ‘July’, ‘September’} ’ Replace this with your actual list of unique months

For Each month In monthsList
Add a column for the current month in resultdt
resultdt.Columns.Add(month, GetType(String))

Populate the column with data from dt2 based on emp ID and month
For Each row In resultdt.Rows
    empID = row("emp").ToString()
    filterExpression = $"emp = '{empID}' AND Month = '{month}'"
    matchingRows = dt2.Select(filterExpression)

    Assuming there is only one matching row, adjust logic if needed
    If matchingRows.Length > 0 Then
        row(month) = matchingRows(0)("Amount").ToString() ' Replace "Amount" with the actual column name from dt2
        row(month) = "NA" ' Or any default value if no match is found

Should we write this in invoke code or can it be done using linq?

@ppr any linq for above scenario ?

At a quick view, it looks more for a split LINQ/Non-LINQ approach

Can you confirm?

  • August from dt2 is ommited, as there is no August date in dt1
  • Result table Structure is only driven by dt1 distinct present months


You don’t need LINQ for this, nor any complicated code. Just use the Join Data Table activity. It’s what it’s for. What you’re trying to do is a standard database operation called a join.

Yes Correct. we need to take months that are present in dt1.
Since emp1 doesnt have August in dt1 we didnt add that as month column in result table

I dont think its a simple table join . Because we are adding dynamic columns based on first table data and filling those columns from a different column in first table data.