Adding column value from one table to another table without comparing two column

Hello Team, I have 2 datatable dt1 & dt2
dt1 have 4 column with data

Name Location Amount Position
Raj 1000
Rahul 2000
Kisan 3000

dt2 have 2 column with data

Location Position
Mumbai C1
Dehli B4
Patna A1

I need to take dt2 column value from location & Position column and enter into dt1 Location & position column by Linq Query


try this once

dt1.DefaultView.ToTable(False,"Name","Amount").AsEnumerable.Zip(dt2.AsEnumerable,Function(a,b) dt1.Clone.Rows.add(a.ItemArray.Concat(b.ItemArray).ToArray)).copytodatatable

Note both datatable should have same rows

Hi @malam9384

How about this

dtResult = (From row1 In dt1.AsEnumerable()
Join row2 In dt2.AsEnumerable()
On row1.Field(Of String)(“Name”) Equals row2.Field(Of String)(“Location”)
Select dt1.Clone().LoadDataRow(New Object() {
row1.Field(Of String)(“Name”),
row2.Field(Of String)(“Location”),
row1.Field(Of Decimal)(“Amount”),
row2.Field(Of String)(“Position”)
}, False)).CopyToDataTable()

Assign dt1=dtResult
Write range - dt1

Name & location two different column. so no need to check any condition like below line
row1.Field(Of String)(“Name”) Equals row2.Field(Of String)(“Location”)


if you want to use invoke code try this way

Dim counter As Int32
For Each r As datarow In dt2.AsEnumerable



Can you please share this workflow

@malam9384 (3.1 KB)

Please check this

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