LinQ Query for VlookUp Need Help

I have 2 Excels, in FilterStatementofAccount I have Column Ar Amount, and I have another Excel name with FilterOverallClaims, I need to do Vlookup to Ar Amount from FilterStatementofAccount.xlsx to FilterOverallClaims.xlsx in both files I have common value is Invoice, I tried Look up data Table it working but taking to much of time since i have 1 lakh records

Kindly help me on this. if there is no matching found then it should fill Empty.

FilteredStatementOfAccount.xlsx (9.4 KB)
FilteredOverAllClaims.xlsx (13.9 KB)

Hi @Ramesh_Kola1 ,

Refer this link it might be useful! If you not get solution let us know will do another video on it! We are here to help😊.

Thank you!! it Worked

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