Hi all,
I am using: “dt_AmountList.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(row) If(row.Field(Of Integer)(“Age”) < 30, row.SetField(“Type”, “Minor”), row)).CopyToDataTable()”. However, I am getting an error. Please, anyone suggest what mistake I made?
It’s not tested but try this.
If row.Field(Of Integer)("Age") < 30 Then
row.SetField("Type", "Minor")
End If
Return row
End Function).CopyToDataTable()
What’s the error you are getting?
If(row.Field(Of Integer)("Age") < 30,
row.SetField("Type", "Minor"),
Return row).CopyToDataTable()
Hope it helps!!
no madam,it is not working
i tried to use above expression sir, and i am getting error like “Statement lamdas cannot be converted to expression trees”
Ok use this one in Invoke Code. It’s tested.
dt_AmountList = dt_AmountList.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(row)
row("Type") = If(Convert.ToInt32(row("Age")) < 30, "Minor", row("Type"))
Return row
End Function).CopyToDataTable()
Argument should be In/Out direction.
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thank you very much sir
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