LINQ error Copytodatatable not memeber of EnumerableRowCollection(Of String)

INTDT.AsEnumerable.Select(function(x) x(“CPR”).ToString).CopytoDatatable

The above LINQ gives the error

Main.xaml: BC30456: ‘CopytoDatatable’ is not a member of ‘EnumerableRowCollection(Of String)’.

when selectin a column value only and not a datarow we cannot use CopyToDaTable as this method is expecting Datarows

we can do
arrValues | String List =

INTDT.AsEnumerable.Select(function(x) x(“CPR”).ToString).toList

and using the Collection to DataTable Activity

OR (we would suggest)
Assign Activity
dtResult =
INTDT.DefaultView.ToTable(false, {"CPR"})

My original requirement was to create a datatable from existing one with 2 columns so that the second column has value only before space in the text.

Is there a way to achieve it directly without creating the list

please share some input samples along with expected output. So we can check the solution options we do have

slno ID
1 MH 345
2 MH 6544
3 MH 877

We need to get ouput datatable as follows

slno ID
1 345
2 6544
3 877

Output is whatever that comes after space in second column

Hi @Sachin_Sreekumar

→ Input-> Build DataTable
Output= InputDataTable
→ Use below syntax in Assign activity:

OutputDataTable= (From row In InputDataTable.AsEnumerable()
                   Select InputDataTable.Clone().Rows.Add(row.Field(Of String)("slno"), row.Field(Of String)("ID").Split(" "c)(1))

OutputDataTable is of DataType System.Data.DataTable()


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A few things are unclear

Lets assume the following

slno ID
1 MH 345
2 MH 6544
3 MH 877

Expected output:

slno ID
1 345
2 6544
3 877

How to Update Data Column Values of a Data Table | Community Blog

When LINQ is needed (DataTable Reconstruction approach)

Assign Activity:
dtNew = dtOrig.Clone

Assign Activity:

(From d in dtOrig.AsEnumerable
Let cs = d(1).toString.Trim.Split(" "c).Last()
Let ra = new Object(){d(0),cs}
Select r = dtNew.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable

feel free to adapt on trim, colName Access…

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Got the solutions. Thanks a lot guys.

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