Hello Everyone
Let’s Learn and Let Learn. Checkout this for knowing about working with G Drive Activities
First we will do the required set up okay…,
Now checkout the steps and do the required setup also leaving a video so that you can check that too
G-Suite Guidelines
How to Setup and Use G Suite in UiPath - Full Tutorial - YouTube
Fine , Now the setup has been done lets move on to next
Task Description
- We need to find a folder from the drive folder and and get the files from that folder and copy them to the destination folder and send the mail with gsuite
Step1: Drag your Gsuite scope activity and configure the properties and select your authentication type
Step2: Find files and folder-> Will find the folder id of the folder (ie., folder name is Test(Source))
Step3: find files and folder → Gets destination folderid (for Destination)
Step4: Again a find files and folder → Get the info of the files inside the source folder
If you want all the items inside the sourse folder you need to give this condition
“'” + FolderId + “’ in parents and name contains ‘*’”
if you want a specific files give like
“'” + FolderId + “’ in parents and name contains ‘File name you want’”
Step5: For each will loop through the items you retrived from source folder
- If Not currentItem.MimeType.Contains(“application/vnd.google-apps.folder”) → Condition optinal to you if you want to copy the folder as well you remove this condition
- Copy files from source to destination
Step 5: Use Send Mail Message activity to send the mail
Attaching the sample xaml file
Main.xaml (18.2 KB)
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