Key word search

Hi Team,
I am new to UiPath. i need your help. I have data set with 5 columns. One column has description (open text). other columns are demographics.
As a user i will input the keyword , then the bot has to search through the description column and send the report with all the rows matching that keyword along with other column.

For e.g. The columns are,


If a user search for key word “Beautiful” then it should return

Please let me know your views,

Thanks ,

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Hello @srinivas_pradeep,

you can try this

(From row in outDt.AsEnumerable() where row(“Text”).ToString.Contains(“beautiful”) Select row(“Age”)).ToList
you can select rows change column name from “Age” to “Gender”


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Hi @Pradeep_Shiv,

Thank you so much for the help. Is it possible to get a workflow please? I am new to this uipath.


Hi @srinivas_pradeep ,

Below it has an activity called find. It will search word and it will return the cellinfo and rowindex , It may help.

Thank you

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Hi @balupad14 ,

Thank you so much. Really helpful. one question does it returns all the other columns along with the key word column where the key word is present?


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Yes. It will return all the column info. Because the return type is an array.

Thank you

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Great @balupad14 . So it will finally export the filtered results into a new excel file?

Thanks and Regards,

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Alternatively to the @Pradeep_Shiv proposal you could simply use “Filter Data Table” activity to filter data table (that you will get from excel using “Read Range” activity)



Thank you @J0ska. sorry i didnt get you. As i am completely new to this couldnt visualize.

Step 1/ Use “Read Range” activity to read your excel table into DataTable (e.g. dt1)
Step 2/ Use “Filter Data Table” activity to filter the dt1 based on provided keyword (e.g. “beautiful”)

Result will be a filtered DataTable dt2.

Screenshot of “Filter Data Table” wizard:

In case of fixed value “beautiful” you could use a string variable indeed.


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Thank you @J0ska