JSON Array Help

I clear an error list each time a new transaction item comes in and set it to an empty JArray:

I then invoke a workflow and pass the config:

However I get two separate errors:


How can I correct this?


  1. this is a .net conversion error try io_Config("TotalErrors").Cast(Of Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray)
  2. Add webapi package so that newtonsoft package gets added automatically or check once in imports if it is not imported


io_Config("TotalErrors") will return a value of datatype object. Only methods of the Object class are availalble.

When using DirectCast(io_Config(“TotalErrors”), JArray) then it is converted into the other DataType

About the missing resolved Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray ensure that the XAML is defining a reference to the needed Assembly eg. by checking/ editing manually the XAML at XAML base adfter checking the overall referenced dependencies