Joint string from dictionary values

Hello! i have a dictionary List<KeyValuePair<Rectangle, string>>
and the extracted data are List<KeyValuePair<Rectangle, string>>(150) { { [{X=26,Y=37,Width=68,Height=15}], “11/17/22,” }, { [{X=100,Y=37,Width=32,Height=13}], “3:55” }, { [{X=138,Y=36,Width=24,Height=13}], “PM” }, { [{X=49,Y=316,Width=32,Height=10}], “Motv” }, etc

I need to unite all values in a string 11/17/22 3:55 PM Motv.
I would like to use a select for this.

not fully clear the request. Maybe you are looking for this:

String.Join(" ", YourDictVar.Values)

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