Join two DT by using left join and remove duplicates

Hello friends,

I have two data table DT1 and DT2,
In which DT1 has column name state ,
And DT2 has column name region.
I have to left join these who data table and remove duplicates from them !
Plz help


Use the join datatable activity and then use remove duplicate rows activity on the output of join…these would be under the datatable activities


Hi @Zara_Choudhary

Another approach

(From r In dtInput
Join k In dtValues
On r("State").ToString().Trim().ToUpper() Equals k("Region").ToString().Trim().ToUpper()
Select dtToWrite.Rows.Add({r("State"),r("Region")})).AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(x) x("State")).Select(Function(i) i.First).CopyToDataTable
