i am using invoke code activity and execution take so much time. It is C# Code and while executing it work some time and other time it throws error Job stopped with an unexpected exit code: 0xE0434352.
I am facing below error.
I am also facing the same issue, my job stopped while long-running task in InvokeCodeActivity.
Looks like UiPath has some default timeout for that.
Can we extend if any kind of timeout for InvokeCodeActivity?
Unknown software exception (0xe0434352) is an error some of Windows users are reporting that they are facing at the time of shutting down their computer or when they are trying to launch an application. Unknown software exception (0xe0434352) is an error that is related to .NET installation. The majority of the reasons for this error is having a faulty .NET Framework, another reason is because of some corrupted files or old drivers that are contradicting with Windows.