I’m having issues with Git integration in this version. When two Git users try to commit and push, the second user is prompted to pull (rebase) and this does not work (screenshot below). Pull (rebase) still works when done separately. Note, this wasn’t an issue on my friends machine who was running 19.7. He then upgraded and now faces the same issue as I do.
Once the error has occurred, Studio gets stuck in a loop of trying to rebase and then throwing an error.
Currently the only fix to this loop is to completely remove the local repository (including .git folder) and then clone it again.
Hi @AWoz, could you please let us know if for the situation described above, you are using an external tool such as Git Bash or Git Extensions? Also, the 2 users are trying to edit the same file, or different files before performing the commit and push? Thanks in advance!
I have Git Bash installed but was not using it for this directory. I removed the whole directory (including all Git config files) and then cloned it using UiPath. Do you think Git Bash would interfere in this case?
The 2 users are editing the same parts of the same file when the problem occurs. It seems when they add new bits to the file that do not overlap, it will work most of the time (difficult to confirm given the other issue). It is only when one user makes a change to the same code as the other user that the issue appears.
Hope this helps, let me know if you need any more info
@coramia I’ve found additional details on this and what the cause seems to be. The Git functionality in UiPath only works if the UiPath project files are in the same folder as the .git folder. For example:
Hi @AWoz, sorry for the belated reply. We’ll take a look and get back to see if we can find a workaround. For the moment the defect logged is not yet fixed.
Hi @coramia, no problem at all. As a workaround I’ve just been using GitHub for Desktop and pushing/pulling there. However it doesn’t offer the xaml comparison like Studio does.
Hi @Awoz, I am happy to report that the fix for the issue you were facing will be available in the next beta release of 20.4. Thank you for your contribution in making our product great!