Issue with updating queue data in orchestrator

Hi All,

Could anyone please help with my issue?

When I try to update Queue from the studio, data is updating properly. How ever, after I publish the dispatcher to the orchestrator and try to run it from there, I get the same input data uploaded to the queue as when it was published, even after updating the input file with new data. Please, anyone have a solution for this?


Welcome to forums
Check if you are hard coded any values
Also check if the Input path is given correctly not hardcoded


Thanks for the reply.

What I have done is:

  1. used a read range activity to get data table-dt_out (where provided the path as data/input/inputfile.xlsx and sheet name as sheet1).

  2. For each data row-add queue item (Provided input as the dt_out and queue name from orchestrator).

  3. Added collection in the format:-
    name= header,
    value= currentrow(“header”).tostring


So you didn’t give the entire path of input file and you published the code
So, it is always referring the data/input/inputfile.xlsx which is inside the code

It’s not a good pratice to give the path of the data/input/Inputfile.xlsx
Instead you need to give the entire file path, so that when ever you change the input file in the particular folder it will always take from that file

Hope this may help you



Basically you need to use files which are in common folders rather than user specific and yes we need to use complete paths…


Thank you very much😊. That was the issue. Now its working fine.

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Thank you for your valuable advice :blush:.

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