Issue with the selector

In the above picture aaname varies with amp; while using click it is failing because of that.
In selector aaname= they used a variable, can someone help on this?


Instead of & did you try with wild card star(*)


How can we use wildcards because aaname= in this way it is there



okay now I guess I got it…You need to use performatted text option to show selectors in the comments here…but that is fine so try like this. Say the variable is str

str.Replace("&","&") this will replace & with & if found


Hello @govindreddy_nagireddy

Welcome to UiPath community…!

You can pass variables as a dynamic variables to the selector. Check the below video.


I have doubt here as of now & is the one what if in future amp changed to some other name


so basically in html to escape & it is used as & it does not happen for other characters like this


& is common for all the items amp; is the one I observed for one of the queue item

I couldn’t get it can u please elaborate


Please check this


I tried the one which u said it is getting as below

I used in this way it is working fine I have doubt here what if & is not there in selector it will work right. if & is there then only it will replace &


Yes if it finds & it will replace else it will just move forward to next step without replacing anything

Hope this helps

If this solves please close by marking solution


Hi @govindreddy_nagireddy

As alternative solution, you can use regex in selector to selector be more flexible:

<webctrl tag='SPAN' aaname='aprepitant oral 80 &amp|&\s 125 mg' casesensitive:aaname='false' matching:aaname='regex' />

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