Issue with invoking argument

The issue that I’m facing is with parsing variable with variable type Dictionary(String,Object) to another workflow as i don’t know what to insert into the column during invoke of argument.

This is the screenshot which shows the column that’s needed to fill up.

the following is the process. (18.3 KB)

Thank you.


Can you share how you have show the above dialog? Also share version of Studio?

In my environment(24.10.8), it seems no problem.



In yellow are the names of the in-direction arguments (in_config,in_test) in the workflow file invoked (sequence2.xaml), and on the right are the variables in the main .xaml (config, test).

This is the Sequence2 invoke workflow after clicking on the value.

It is required to fill in Key and Value Column. Therefore, I’m stuck here to allow it to parse config variable.

Thank you.

The version is 24.11.1,

Thank you.


Can you try as the following?

Click + sign
Click Open in Expression Editior
set out_Config


Thank you so much, it does work.
My mistake for overlooking it.

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