Issue when get mail using Get IMAP Message

Hello, i’ve issue when i try to get attachment in gmail using Get IMAP Messgage but doesn’t have attachment in result. I was enable IMAP in Gmail setting.
Please help

  1. I already have file attachment in mail

2. But return no attachment when i try to use Get IMAP Message, everything in mail (like body,subject…) is ok, only attachment was disappear

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Hey @ThomasTH

Is that only for that one email or for several emails ?


Hi @Nithinkrishna , it’s for several email
Every email from that sender robot can’t get attachment

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Could you please show your activity screenshot with the props used ?


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You mean this one?

Hi @ThomasTH

Try Increasing Timeout MS property and check whether is working!

  • TimeoutMS - Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).

Or Have you use the property like how many mails you need to read Check with that also!

  • Top - The number of messages to be retrieved, starting from either the newest or the oldest, depending on the OrderByDate parameter.
