When trying to running the sample process, getting a message like “Could not connect to UIpath Robot Service. Make sure the service is started.”. I checked and verified that the service is already running. How can I fix this?
Could not connect to UiPath Robot Service. Make sure the service is started!
System.Exception: Could not connect to UiPath Robot Service. Make sure the service is started!
at UiPath.Models.UiPathDuplexProxy.FaultTolerantProxy.g__CheckService|10_0()
at UiPath.Models.UiPathDuplexProxy.FaultTolerantProxy.CheckAvailability()
at UiPath.Models.UiPathDuplexProxy.FaultTolerantProxy.get_Channel()
at UiPath.Models.UiPathDuplexProxy.GetRobotConnectionStatus()
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Services.RobotStudioBridge.Execute(WorkflowDocument document, Boolean isDebugging)