We have an issue extracting data from combo box in our Java thick client application. When we get text from any combo box, it is giving object name as the text. See screen shot from read only combo box. We are using “get text” activity for this one. Have any other idea how to get the value?
Hi @Mharlieee
have you try using “select item activity”
or else uncheck the role property you will get the id values
Check that try to print the options as MVR
Ashwin S
Hi, @AshwinS2
Thank you for your response. Though selecting item is actually not a problem as we can set some workaround like typing in field.
Our issue is extracting the content or selected item of the combo box itself.
Hi @Mharlieee
In that case uncheck the role item property and ensure you are able to get the value
Ashwin S
Hi, @AshwinS2
No luck. Even after unchecking I’m still getting this value. I think value is hidden behind the element.
Do you have any idea on how I can optimize this “Element” property of the gettext activity?
hi @Mharlieee
Check this post for your reference
Ashwin S
Hi, @AshwinS2
Thanks, but this one is simple. I tried checking the properties of the combo box object from the sample and all items are shown as below:
And checking our application, it only shows list.ModelElement.
Thanks for the inputs.
Could you try with GetVisibleText or GetFullText (or screen scraping wizard and play around with different methods)?
Hi, @andrzej.kniola
That is actually our last resort. As much as possible, we wanted to capture the data natively. Besides, only the visible text will be captured, but the text itself is a bit long (for other combo box objects).
Would you know if UIPATH can able to deep dive the property as the code below?
This one we are using in same application but via UFT.
item = Replace(objApp.JavaList(“FromCurrency”).GetROProperty(“value”), “#”, “”)
strSelectedItem = objApp.JavaList(“FromCurrency”).Object.getModel.getElementAt(item).getLabel