Is there any possibility of calling the BluePrism bot in UiPath?

if I created One Robot in one RPA tool (for example in BluePrism) then I want to invoke that Robot (that is Created in BluePrism) in UiPath, is it Possible?

Well, first of all if the actual project requirement is invoking one automation software using another automation then there seems to be something fundamentally wrong in solution designing.
On the other hand if it is some curiosity / self challenge then you can possibly try two things :

  1. Open command prompt using UiPath and write command to run BP bot in it.
  2. Create a command or batch file (.cmd/.bat) with above command and run it via UiPath

Thank you Divyanshu Mishra for the solution. if you have any source regarding process of running the BP bot through command prompt can you please share that.

Hi @Chakravarthi_Koppuravuri,

May be @loginerror, can give you some insights here.


You can try below steps…
Also search a bit on internet you can find multiple commands to try and run your process.

You can try to run in two parts, First with change directory (“cd”) and second is “AutomateC.exe”.

Command 1: cd C:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate
Command 2: AutomateC.exe /run /resource /user /dbconname

Details :
: Process name to be triggered
: Resource/Machine name on which process will be triggered
: User name of Blue prism
: Password of Blue prism
: DB Connection Name for Blue prism

NOTE : Blue prism must be running and Process must be published to Control Room.

I hope this will help.

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Thank you for the detailed explanation Divyanshu_Mishra. I have executed successfully

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Hi Divyanshu_Mishra, in the second step you have mentioned create a batch file (.bat) with above command (cd C:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate &
AutomateC.exe /run /resource /user /dbconname) and run in UiPath. can you please guide me how to create a batch file with that two commands in the same batch file executing in single command prompt.

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