Is there a quick way to multiply data table by 1000?

Dear all,
i have a data table for example
Jan - 2.3
Feb - 2.4 …

To multiply them by 1000.
Jan - 2300
Feb - 2400 …

is there a efficient way without using for loop?
Appreciate any help!!

Hi @winnie_toh

yourDataTable.AsEnumerable().ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row("YourColumnName") = Convert.ToDouble(row("YourColumnName")) * 1000)

E.g. have a look at the described approach of using DataColumn.Expression

Thank you! But do you mean use assign?
e.g. like below? i encountered error:


HI @winnie_toh

Please use the below syntax in assign activity

dtResult= dt.Clone()
dtResult= (From d In dt.AsEnumerable Let gp = d.Field(Of Double)("Value")*1000 Let ra = d.ItemArray.Take(1).Append(gp).ToArray Select dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable


Hi @winnie_toh

If the values are in the same column.
Then take an for each row in datatable activity to iterate the each row in the datatable.
Inside for each use assign activities to multiple with 1000.

Check the below image for better understanding.

- Assign 1 -> MonthName = CurrentRow("Column name").ToString.Split("-").First.ToString.TrimEnd
- Assign 2 -> Values = (Cint(CurrentRow("Column name").ToString.Split("-").Last.ToString.TrimStart)*1000).ToString
- Assign 3 -> CurrentRow("Column name") = MonthName+" - "+Values 
  • Note : MonthName and Values are the two variables in String Datatype

Hope it helps!!

hi Thank you! however i kept encountering firstly “Value” not found. so i replace it with “Jan”. but still same error occur. i assume i have to do 12 times from Jan to Dec too right?

Hi @winnie_toh

If possible can you share the excel file ?



Dt.AsEnumerable.Select(function(x) Dt.Clone.Rows.Add(x(“ColumnName”).ToString.Split(“-“c)(0)+”-”+(cdbl(x(“ColumnName”).ToString.Split("-"c)(1))*1000).ToString)).CopyToDataTable
