I’m currently building a chatbot on Dialogflow, and I’m wondering if it’s possible to link UiPath and Dialogflow together, so a chatbot can send a command (based on a users input) to a robot to execute? Or if this is maybe something that anyone has tried/done?
Curious to know as we are looking at something similar in my team. Does anybody have any ideas or similar experiences.
@durellio I suspect that the http request function is your best bet, but I have never used it!
Great. My team is also looking into this chatbot + uipath to manage our mailbox helpdesk. Just wondering would it be easier if we connected uipath robot with something offshelf such as zendesk?
Yes it could be done easily. Here are the steps
1)Create a Azure Function , where you use programming language of your choice to implement functions that will trigger a job in UiPath Orchestrator via its API interface.
2)Take the HTTP Rest API Endpoint for the Azure Function you created and provide it in the webhook option of dialogflow intent , for which you want to trigger rpa.
As simple as that, let me know once you do it.
Many thanks Ganesh, I’ll take a look at this!
Hi Ganesh,
Is it possible to share the way you have implemented this?
Hi @durellio
Here is the video link for your reference ( this package was taken from Uipath-Go and we did a demo based on that).
Hi @Naveen_tg the video is not playable ? can you please post a working video
Hi, I’ve done what you want using nodejs, I call the API from node after receiving the dialogflow webhook from intent, hope this will help
Hi Lucas
Can you pls share instructions and code to achieve this integration
Hi Lucas,
can you please share step by step procedure with code,
I am a beginner in you path ,need help for a POC,many thanks in advance.