Is it possible for to load the taxonomy nodes from other the taxonomy of other project?

Hey guys,
I want to load the taxonomy nodes from the taxonomy.json file that I’ve created for other processes and load it to the new process’s taxonomy.

I tried to copy and paste the taxonomy.json to the new process folder and try to open the Taxonomy Manager. But no luck with this approach;

Do we have any ways to copy and paste the taxonomy?

I’d say it is possible by copying taxonomy.json file from other project location to current process DocumentProcessing folder before Load Taxonomy activity. You may first need to rename the existing json to avoid overwriting it.

Ensure you use the same IntelligentOCR package version

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Hey @dokumentor, I’m getting this error

Can you check the content of DocumentProcessing subfolder?

@dokumentor I’ve taxonomy.json only. Please have a look

Did you compare the versions of IntelligentOCR packages? Can you enure the file was correctly copied from original location?

Yes @dokumentor, I did compare the versions of the packages and ensure the file was correctly copied

@BharathKamalapur - You can also try it this way; it gives you more flexibility.

JsonString = Output of ‘Read Text File’

Hey @Julian_Muhlbauer, no luck on this approach too

@BharathKamalapur - Is it the same error? Could you please send a screenshot of your studio? Also, could you share the contents of your taxonomy? Cheers!

Hey thanks @dokumentor @Julian_Muhlbauer , this issue has been resolved; actually we are having two taxonomie files, one is DocumentProcessing subfolder and other taxonomy.json, which consists of training data. I tried to replace the wrong one; that’s why we are unable to load it to the taxonomy manager.

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