Invoke Method Video Tutorial

You can get plenty of explanation on youtube.
anyway here is some info…

The InvokeMethod activity is another way to implement a code which is outside of the standard built-in activities. You can use this activity to invoke a method of a class. The class does not need to be part of the workflow or use any of the workflow base classes. The InvokeMethod calls a public method of a specified object or type.

InvokeMethod Properties:

MethodName: Assign the method name to this property.
TargetObject: When we want to invoke non-static methods, we need first to create an object that contains the method to execute.
TargetType: When we want to invoke static methods, we specify the type that contains the static method to execute.
GenericTypeArguments: When we want to invoke a generic method, we specify generic types in this collection.
Parameters: The parameter collection of the method to be invoked.
Result: The return value of the method execution.
thanks to @aksh1yadav :stuck_out_tongue:
