Invalid session id when trying to post lead in salesforce

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to create a lead in salesforce, but i have to do it from http request. They gave me the endpoint, grant_type, client_id, client_secret, refresh_token and redirect_uri. i use these in an http request activity (get) from which i get a response with access_token, signature, scope, instance_url, id, token_type and issued_at. Now i use these at a second http request (post) as parameters, i also tried as headers, but in any case i get the message “[{"message":"Session expired or invalid","errorCode":"INVALID_SESSION_ID"}]” Can you understand from this what i am doing wrong?
any help is appreciated.


Can you show your parameters

and generally we pass as Bearer token is this how you passed?



Did you get the payload from the team?

generally tokens and related info is sent in header


Like i told you i tried passing them in header too but it didnt work, but obviously i was doing it wrong bc i dont know how to use it very well. i read this What is the equivalent for Bearer Token in 'HTTP Request' activity in UiPath - #3 by gAnGs i passed it like in this example and i dont get the message invalid session anymore.
Thanks for your help and the quick response!

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Glad you resolved

That was the first suggestion though


yes yes exactly like you said, but i didnt get it before reading the article, then i realized what you were talking about.
Thanks again!

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