Intelligent OCR with Google Cloud Vision

If anyone working with Intelligent OCR activity with Google Cloud OCR engine. Need some help regarding automation of Invoice Processing. If anyone can provide any document on Intelligent OCR application scope.

Hello @Sanjoy_Kr_Singharoy,

Have a look at this: How to use Intelligent OCR activities guide and example - #2 by Ioana_Gligan

It exemplifies how to use the intelligent ocr activities + the invoice processing machine learning extractor. All you have to do is:

  1. remove abbyy flexicapture from the data extraction scope
  2. click on the configure extraction link, check settings and click save
  3. run the workflow.
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Hello Loana,

Thank you for sharing such informative solution.
But since I opened the file found many dependencies. Few I’ve downloaded and installed but few still un-resolved.

Expecting your input.

With regards,

Thank you Loana,
Finally I’m able to run it successfully.
Could you please share me few more details to create a POC on document processing.

Thank you very much… :smiley:

What did you change from the workflow, since I am also getting the same “Missing or invalid activity”

Hello, could you please share what are the different activities are showing as missing. By the time you can update activity from Manage Package section.

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