Integrating AI Center and Document Understanding with Standalone Orchestrator

Hello everyone,

I have a question about the Orchestrator and AI Center. We currently have an on-premises standalone Orchestrator and we want to add AI Center and Document Understanding on-premises, using Automation Suite for installation. Do we need to migrate the standalone Orchestrator to an Automation Suite Orchestrator, or can we simply install AI Center and Document Understanding using Automation Suite and connect them to the standalone Orchestrator?


We can install ai cneter and du and connect to orchestrator


Thank you Anil for your prompt reply. To clarify, I will be installing AI Center using Automation Suite, and since I have a standalone Orchestrator, how will I access AI Center from the Orchestrator? Additionally, how will developers access the deployed skills directly from their Studios that are connected to the standalone Orchestrator?

You might have to perform certain additional steps, if you are connecting Automation Suite AI center to a standalone orchestrator. Have you tried the details in the page below?

Hi Khaled,

Do you have the solution?
I have the similarly question, standalone orchestrator, du and action center in Automation Suite.
I look forward to any feedback from you。