First steps Connectic AI Center to Orchestrator's company


In my company a third party installed Uipath v2021.4 and we have license for AI Center, they didn’t trained us to use AI Center even we don’t have configurated AI center in orchestrator, and I find some of documentation but its difficult for me to understand it.

Does anybody could help me with the first steps? we already have some robots without AI Center services, I would like to know how can I link orquestrator with our AI Center Cloud Version, What is the web page url that I need to follow in order to log in to the AI Center Cloud of my company.

Thank you!

Hi @angel_ramirez

Could you confirm whether you have a separate instance of on-premise Orchestrator and a separate Cloud account with AI Center license?

As far as the documentation, please let us know which articles have you already tried out :slight_smile:


I have the solution that I found as hybrid infrastructure, because we have orchestrator on prem and AI Center Cloud:

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