Install/Uninstall a 3rd party desktop software with UiPath

One of my recent projects need of installing/uninstalling a desktop software during the automation session in windows pc.

The steps in general are:
1. Install the software (.exe file is placed on Desktop or provided in a dedicated folder)
2. Make some configuration changes in the app (clicks and type into)
3. Run automation [some actions within the app]
4. Uninstall the software from PC (from control panel or anyhow)

So, basically I need some guidance for step 1 and 4
What can be possible and best way to do it?

Thanks in advance

Hi @MdFuadHasan

For 1st point you can use Start Process activity and pass the correct path of the exe file
Later as you mentioned you can use Clicks and TypeInto etc.,

For 4th point you can check if there are any commands or shortcuts to uninstall the software, that depends upon the software which you are using

Hope this may help you


Hi @MdFuadHasan ,

Please try the below powershell

Install Software Using PowerShell Script (

You can invoke powershell script in UiPath.
Activities - Invoke Power Shell (

Hi @MdFuadHasan

Please refer the below workflow,

This work flow will open control panel and selects the application that needs to uninstall, you can add clcik activity at the end for the pop up confiramtion
uninstall proces.xaml (10.2 KB)

This will open the folder where you keep you program that needs to be installed, pass your program name FileName variable,
Open Folder.xaml (8.1 KB)

Vasanth Kumar