Inserting PDF to Salesforce


I am trying to attach a pdf as an attachment to insert into Salesforce. Has anyone done this?

I was able to attach an image using the Load Image activity. There is not PDF variable to store it in Uipath like you can do for an image.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

Did this activity help you in this

Cheers @sahelmad

In this movie, I show how to upload a file in Salesforce:

Cristian Negulescu

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@Cristian_Negulescu I have an error while uploading a new file - Upload File: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\xxxxx\yyyyy'.
whats the best way to initialize path variable here ?

Hello Harsh,
The issue could be that the wrong path TRy to put double \ so your path should be C:\path\xcvbnm
You also have a full video on how to upload files in salesforce without custom activity:


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Thank you so much for sharing this detailed video.

I am facing a variety of exception
Access to the path ‘C:\blah\blah’ is denied
Could not find a part of the path
and this is happening even if I allow access to the Path & Launch UiPath Studio “Run as Administrator”