Want to insert image 1 in cell 1, image 2 in cell2…
Hi @Soudios
Use click activity to insert image in excel cell
Yes but it takes me a lot of time, how can i automise that ?
Try the following steps
- Excel scope - provide the path
- Write cell - give cell name and provide value as “string.empty”
- Send hot key - use Alt+n+p
- Type into - provide the image path in the filename textbox
- click - click the insert button
I cannot use insert image at cell ?
You can add image into the cell by using above steps.
Use Insert Image at Cell activity under Balareva.Excel.Activities package to do this.
5 sec execution:
Save this vba snippet in a .txt file:
Sub InsertImageToExcel(imagePath,workSheetName, cell)
Set myDocument = Worksheets(workSheetName)
myDocument.Shapes.AddPicture _
imagePath, _
False, True, Range(cell).Left, Range(cell).Top, -1, -1
End Sub
Use Invoke VBA inside an Excel Application Scope.
EntryMethodParameters: {strImagePath, strWorksheetName, strCell}
Hi @balupad14 sir,
Thank you very much for creating the packages.
However, I have observed that when I use any activity from BalaReva.Excel.Activites (Eg : Insert Image at Cell) other already open excel files of my PC gets closed.
Could you please guide me how can I stop other excels from getting closed.
Thanks in advance,
Hi @balupad14 is there any way that we can alter/change the size of the image which is inserted into the excel file using “Insert image at Cell” activity
Yes. It is possible. It has an activity called ‘Image Resize’. Now I is in the .NET 6 migration…
Thank you
Please send me the package sir, It would very helpful to me @balupad14
I am very glad to see that BalaReva is back in .NET 6. Great shortcuts and packages!