Insert Number to specific Column in Excel

Hello, I have an excel file, where I need to insert the number “0” in front of all the data of a specific column, can anyone help me?

The data must look like the highlighted image below

Hi @Israel_Silva

You can check ot the video link : You can pass the cell value based on requirement


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Another Method @Israel_Silva

You can also try with Format cell activity

Check out the the Tutorial


Exemple.xlsx (57.0 KB)
Thanks for the suggestions, but I couldn’t solve my problem,

I’ll put xlsx as an example, I just need to add 0 in front of each number in the “Division” column

Hi @Israel_Silva ,

Could you try with the workflow below :
Excel_PrependZeroToColumnValues.xaml (6.4 KB)

Let us know if this is not as expected and mention the difference between your actual outputs required.

this is exactly what i wanted, thank you very much

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I need your help to understand your solution I am getting confuse about below query I have seen you convert column into array can you please explain query to add zero

(From r In DT.AsEnumerable
Let ra = columnNames.Select(Function(c)If(c.Equals(“Divisão”),CObj(“0”+r(c).ToString),CObj(r(c).ToString))).ToArray
Select OutputDT.LoadDataRow(ra,False)).CopyToDatatable

please explain in detail really appreciate you
Thank in advance

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