Insert Data into Stored Procedure

Hello Everyone,

How can we insert data into a table with the help of stored procedure and as I can’t use directly insertion sql query to insert values into the table.

Do let me know to insert data into table with the help of procedure.

I have attached the sample procedure along with the parameter that I need to use and insert data into table.

Thanks in Advance



May I know why you cannot insert using query?

Ideally you can insert using. Execute non query activity


I can use Non Query activity but I can use direct insert data statement to the table, I need to use the stored procedure in Non Query activity for any insertion as per our new company policy.


Hey @Binod_Kumar_Biswal

First create a stored procedure for your insert query
Then pass that Stored procedure name in the non execute query.

After that please change the command type to stored procedure in the activity property

This will do

Sreejith S S

Hi ,

Thanks for your response.

I have tried your approach, I have entered the procedure name and changed the command type to Stored procedure also In paraments I have added some values but getting invalid SQL statement error.

Kindly suggest what I need to do ?


It means your sql query is invalid.
Please check the query

Sreejith S S