Insert data in excel sheet

I have excel sheet in this 100 or records every record one column of excel sheet is amount i need to check if it is greater then $30 then one column write message amount is greater then 30.How can I achieve this.

Hi @Aditya10989

If row(“amount”). toString >30

In assign activity row("column name). toString.expression=“Amount is greater than 30”



@AshwinS2 thanks. I am new in UI path.Actually I have one excel sheet now I need to upload excel…? how can I check data and get data in UI.

Where you need to upload and in ui
Pass the datatable values


@AshwinS2 I am getting this error


Just write like this in assign Activity

row(“Processing Status”) = “Fail”


@lakshman thanks it work but second time loop run then throw this error and also for first time its work fine but now showing data in first row fail and amount is greater then.what I need to do it check amount and insert row by row


Could you please share this xaml with me. Will check and update you.

@lakshman yes sure.I need to check column V and if any amount greater then 60 then I need to show column processing status fail and column exception reason amount greater then 60

Modified Dec2018Invoice.xlsx (140.9 KB)

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send me your xaml file also.

@lakshman sorry I think you are talking about excel file Main (4).xaml (11.5 KB)

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I checked your xaml file and its looks ok. There is some space in column headers of Process Status and Exception Reason. Its working fine after deleting it.

Main (4).xaml (13.0 KB) Modified Dec2018Invoice.xlsx (140.8 KB)


I try to run its throwing me exception


Use above attached Excel file. It will work.

no it is not working in my you please check in your machine

@lakshman error detail column processing status not belong to a table.I am using your xaml and excel file


Just download this Zip file and run it and will display output in output panle. Check and let me know. (131.6 KB)


Extract the zip file after downloading it and then run xaml file.

yes Actually I try to double click on excel file then file not able to open then I right click on open with excel again file not able to open after this click on start type excel then double click then excel then excel file open I don’t know what is the issue