In excel i need to find string and based on that string need to find some more strings

Hi All,

I do have excel and need fond String position and under the words, where the sting position is dynamic,


in above image need to find the “Function” words and based on function word need to find the under function words like “TAIL”, “STOP”, RR TURN (Total 13 standard words are there).


In this above file need to find the “STANDARD & REGULATION” word and under that need to find “TAIL”, “STOP”, “TURN”, “BACK”, “REAR FOG”, “R/R”(Like Total13 words)

Note: first need to find “Function” word is present or not if present will find all the words under “FUNCTION”, Else "FUNCTION " words is not present will search for “STANDARD & REGULATION” this word if found will search words under this.

Hi @Yoichi , please kindly let me know on this!

Thank You!!!

Hi @Yoichi,

Please kindly Guide me on this.

thank you @Yoichi

Hi @ashokkarale

Will you please kindly help me on this.

thank you @ashokkarale

Hi @vineelag ,

You can use lookup range activity to search a particular keyword into excel data

Input Data:



Main.xaml (13.7 KB)

Hope it helps you

Vinit Mhatre

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@Vinit_Mhatre, Thank you!!

can you share with me entire xaml which contains lookup logic also, please and as per the above images in my question above i need to find values inside that small table only and rage is dynamic.

once gain thank you so much @Vinit_Mhatre

Could you provide me your excel file with dummy data? Also tell me what value you need to extract.

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Sure, @Vinit_Mhatre

always find values inside this boxonly

TempTest1.xls (586.5 KB)
TempTest2.xls (122 KB)
Temptest3.xlsx (67 KB)
TempTest4.xls (73 KB)


find “FUNCTION” found (If function word found there is no need to Search For STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS)in that column find the words mentioned in above image .

Step 2
"FUNCTION " word is not found find the word for “STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS” OR “STANDARDS&REGULATIONS” OR “STANDARDS/REGULATIONS” If found need to find values under this row to find the words present in image


Step 3
if words are present we will make it as YES, as shown in the above image.

Please Kindly help me to achieve this.

Thank you so much @Vinit_Mhatre

Can you explain the output data briefly? Like, what is Part 1, Part 2,…, Tail, Stop, RR…?

part1, part 2 nothing but Files
File1=Part1, so we are checking which words are available we make it as “Y”(Yes).


Can you confirm that this word appears only once in the full excel sheet?


Don’t need to Search in entire sheet, we need to search on that Box only. will only consider inside the box only.

If the word appear two times in that box its okay but we will check only in that box word is present or not.

if its present We will consider it as YES



can we use Macro


hI @Vinit_Mhatre

Is there any Update on i, like dose it possible.

IIt is possible, but I am busy with another task and can provide you a solution by the end of the day.

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Sure, if the solution is in macro is also fine.

I am awaiting For Your Solution

@Vinit_Mhatre thank You!!

Hi @Vinit_Mhatre

I’m really sorry to bother you. Could you please kindly provide me with the answer.

Thank you!

I am currently at the workplace and will try to give you a solution after 8 p.m.

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@Vinit_Mhatre Thank you!!! :grinning:

It looks like an unstructured document, you can get the solution somehow but it’s difficult to manage.

You check reading this data into data table and see by loop you can get the solutions.

Hi @vineelag ,

Check out the attached workflow as per your requirements, and if you have any questions, do ask them. (803.3 KB)

Vinit Mhatre

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