In Excel first Column had Same number then copy first row of second column and paste


In this Image remove that red rows and copy from 2 until 2 paste it. If it is Serial number 2 then copy the value (“01-04-2023”)- SUNGAI NIBONG 1911/2023 " and paste until 3serial number
loop all like this


Can you try the following sample? (8.9 KB)


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Hi @Narayana_Acharyulu,

You could also try below solution
Read the excel as inputDT datatable

Assign activity:

Assign activity:
From row1 In inputDT
From row2 In (
From a In inputDT
Group a By b=a(“S.No”) Into grp=Group
Select grp.first()
Where row1(0).tostring=row2(0).tostring
Let col1=row1(0).tostring
Let col2=row2(1).tostring
Select outputDT.rows.add(col1,col2)

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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